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Found Great Auntie Rose Wheeler

My Great Grandmother, Mary Ann Hubbard (or Habbert) married 3 times. Her first husband was James Wheeler. I've recently discovered that in 1865 they had a daughter, who they named Rose, and I think her middle name may have been Ann. I had wondered for some time if Mary Ann and James had any children, and poking around the ancestry sites, I finally found Rose.

Rose and her mother lived with Mary Ann's parents, James and Catherine. Mary Ann remarried, my Great Grandfather, Richard Wilkinson in 1872, when Rose would have been 8. I don't know if she stayed with her grandparents, or lived with Mary Ann and Richard.

The next trace I found of Rose, was the 1881 Census, when she was a servant at St. Paul, London. She would have been 16.

I'd sure love to know more about her life - if she married, if she had children. Its always exciting to find a new relative, and hopefully some day I'll find out more about Great Auntie Rose.

3 comment(s), latest 7 years, 10 months ago